Publications (>= year 2000)
Day et al. 2024. Genetic connectivity of wolverines in western North America. Scientific Reports 14:28248.
Keeley A et al. 2024. Comment on Functional landscape connectivity for a select few: Linkages do not
consistently predict wildlife movement or occupancy. Autum R. Iverson, David Waetjen, Fraser Shilling. Landscape and Urban Planning
Kortello A, D Hausleitner, G Mowat, M Barrueto, N Heim, L Larson M Lucid, AP Clevenger. 2024. How to find a wolverine: factors affecting detection success at wolverine (Gulo gulo) bait stations in Western Canada. Ecosphere
Mohammadi A, Ranjbaran A, Farhadinia M, López-Bao J, Clevenger AP. 2023. The Asiatic cheetah’s road to extinction. Science 382 (6669): 384.
Ament, R, AP Clevenger, R van der Ree. 2023. Addressing ecological connectivity in the development of roads, railways and canals. IUCN Protected Areas Technical Report Series 5.
Nojoumi, M, AP Clevenger, DT Blumstein, ES Abelson. 2022. Vehicular traffic effects on elk and white-tailed deer behavior near wildlife underpasses. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0269587. DOI. 10.1371/journal.pone.0269587
Ford, AT, BP Dorsey, T Lee, AP Clevenger. 2022. A before-after-control-impact study of wildlife fencing along a highway in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Frontiers in Conservation Science DOI 10.3389/fcosc.2022.935420.
Gunson, K, AP Clevenger, AT Ford. 2022. A comparison of elk-vehicle collisions patterns with
demographic and abundance data in the Central Canadian Rocky Mountains. Conservation Science and Practice DOI: 10.1111/csp2.12842
Barrueto, M, A Forshner, J Whittington, AP Clevenger, M Musiani. 2022. A declining wolverine
population in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is best explained by protection status, snow cover,
and human disturbance. Scientific Reports (2022) 12:17412. DOI. 10.1038/s41598-022-21499-4.
Fisher, JT, et al. 2022. Wolverines in a changing landscape and warming climate: A decadal synthesis of global conservation ecology research. Global Ecology and Conservation
Lee, T, K Rondeau, R Schaufele, AP Clevenger, D Duke. 2021. Developing a correction factor to apply to animal–vehicle collision data for improved road mitigation measures. Wildlife Research
Cerqueira, R., P. Leonard, L. Gonçalves da Silva, A. Bager, J. Jaeger, A.P. Clevenger, C. Grilo. 2021. Potential movement corridors and high road-kill likelihood do not spatially coincide for felids in Brazil: Implications for road mitigation. Environmental Management. 67: 412-423.
McGuire, TM, Clevenger, AP, Ament, R, Callahan, R, Jacobson, S, (eds.). 2020. Innovative strategies to reduce the costs of effective wildlife overpasses. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-267. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 30 p.
Barrueto, M., M.A. Sawaya, A.P. Clevenger. 2020. Low wolverine density in a highly protected national park complex in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Pinto, F.A.S., A. Bager, A.P. Clevenger, C. Grilo. 2020. Effects of roads on wildlife communities in Latin America. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 81:(2020) 106337.
Mowat, G., A.P. Clevenger, A. Kortello, D. Hausleitner, M. Barrueto, L. Smit, C. Lamb, B. Dorsey, P.K. Ott. 2019. The sustainability of wolverine trapping mortality in southern Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:213-226.
Creech, T, ER Fairbank, AP Clevenger, R Callahan, R Ament. Submitted. Differences in spatiotemporal patterns of vehicle collisions with wildlife and livestock. Environmental Management 64-736-745.
Heim, N, JT Fisher, J Volpe, AP Clevenger, J Paczkowski. 2019. Carnivore community response to anthropogenic landscape change: species-specificity foils generalizations. Landscape Ecology 11:2493-2507.
Sawaya, M, AP Clevenger, M Schwartz. 2019. Demographic fragmentation of a protected wolverine (Gulo gulo) population bisected by a major transportation corridor. Biological Conservation 236:616-625.
Ford, AF, AP Clevenger. 2019. Factors affecting the permeability of road mitigation measures to the movement of small mammals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:379-384.
Grilo, C., F.A.S. Pinto, R. Andrasik, H.M. Pereira, A.P. Clevenger. 2019. Reply: Modeling scenarios of population response to roads as a conservation risk assessment. Biological Conservation 230:201-202.
Plante, J, K Belanger-Smith, A Spanowicz, AP Clevenger, JAG Jaeger. 2018. Road mortality locations of small and medium-sized mammals along a partly-fenced highway in Quebec, Canada, 2012-2015. Data in Brief 21:1209-1215.
Jaeger, J., A. Spanowicz, J. Bowman, A.P. Clevenger. 2018. Clôtures et passages fauniques pour les petits et moyens mammifères le long de la route 175 au Quebec: quelle est leur efficacité? Le Naturaliste Canadien 143:69-80.
Pinto, F.A.S., A. Bager, A.P. Clevenger, C. Grilo. 2018. Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) conservation in Brazil: analyzing the relative effects of fragmentation and mortality due to roads. Submitted: Biological Conservation 228:148-157.
Poot, C., A.P. Clevenger. 2018 Reducing Vehicle Collisions with the Central American Tapir in Central Belize District, Belize. 2018: Tropical Conservation Science
Ascensao, F, L Fahrig, AP Clevenger, RT Corlett, JAG Jaeger, WF Laurance, HM Pereira. 2018. Environmental challenges for the Belt and Road Initiative. Nature Sustainability 1: 206-209.
Mohammadi, A., K. Almasieh, A.P. Clevenger, F. Fatemizadeh, A. Rezaie, H. Joukar, M. Kaboli. 2018. Road expansion: a challenge to conservation of mammals, with particular emphasis on the endangered Asiatic cheetah in Iran. Journal of Nature Conservation 43: 8-18.
Ford, A.T., M. Barrueto, A.P. Clevenger. 2017. Road-mediated demographic filtering in a large carnivore. Wildlife Society Bulletin. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.828
Dorsey, B, AP Clevenger, L Rew. 2017. Relative Risk and Variables Associated with Bear and Ungulate Mortalities Along a Railroad in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Pp. 135-155, L Borda-de-Agua et al. (eds.), Railway Ecology.
Heim, N., J. Fisher, A.P. Clevenger, J. Paczkowski, J. Volpe. 2017. Cumulative effects of climate and landscape change drive spatial distribution of Rocky Mountain wolverine. Ecology and Evolution DOI:10.1002/ece3.3337.
Steenweg, R., M. Hebblewhite, R. Kays, J. Ahumada, J. Fisher, C. Burton, S. Townsend, C. Carbone, M. Rowcliffe, J. Whittington J. Brodie, J.A. Royle, A. Switalski, A.P. Clevenger, N. Heim, L. Rich. 2017. Scaling up camera traps — monitoring the planet's biodiversity with networks of remote sensors. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 15:26-34.
Clevenger, A.P., R. Ament. 2016. The case for a nationwide commitment to a systematic network of highway crossings for wildlife. Transportation Research Record (Submitted: 30 July 2015).
Stewart, F., N. Heim, A.P. Clevenger, J. Paczkowski, J. Volpe, J. Fisher. 2016. Wolverine behaviour varies spatially with anthropogenic footprint: implications for conservation and inferences about declines. Ecology and Evolution 6(5):1493-1503.
D'Amico, M, AP Clevenger, J Roman, E Revilla. 2015. Generic vs specific surveys: Estimating the effectiveness of different road-crossing structures for small mammals. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:854-860..
Kociolek, A, R Ament, R Callahan, AP Clevenger. 2015. Wildlife crossings: The new norm for transportation planning. ITE Journal April 2015: 45-47.
Clevenger, AP, M Barrueto, K Gunson, F Caryl, AT Ford. 2015. Context-dependent effects on spatial variation of deer-vehicle collisions. Ecosphere 6:art47.
Ascensao, F, C Grilo, S LaPoint, J Tracey, AP Clevenger, M Santos-Reis. 2014. Inter-individual variability of stone marten behavioral responses to a highway. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103544.
Hopkins, J, J Whittington, AP, Clevenger, M Sawaya, C St. Clair. 2014. Stable isotopes reveal rail-associated behavior in a threatened carnivore. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 50: 322-331.
Clevenger, AP. Accepted. Mitigating highways with wildlife passages: Guidelines for planning, design and assessments. Revista de Biología Tropical.
Barrueto, M., A.T. Ford, A.P. Clevenger. 2014. Anthropogenic effects on activity patterns of wildlife at crossing structures. Ecosphere 5(3):27.
McKelvey, K.S., K.B. Aubry, N.J. Anderson, A.P. Clevenger, J.P. Copeland, K.S. Heinemeyer, R.M. Inman, J. Squires, J.S. Waller, K. Pilgrim, M.K. Schwartz. 2014. Recovery of wolverines in the Western United States : Recent extirpation and re-colonization or range retraction and expansion ? Journal of Wildlife Management 78:325-334.
Sawaya, M, S Kalinowski, AP Clevenger, 2014. Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 281:201131705.
Clevenger, AP, A Kociolek. 2013. Potential impacts of highway median barriers on wildlife: State of practice and gap analysis. Environmental Management 52:1299-1312.
Clevenger AP. 2013. Mitigating highways for a ghost: Data collection challenges and implications for managing wolverines and transportation corridors. Northwest Science 87:256-264.
Sawaya, M, AP Clevenger, S Kalinowski. 2013. Wildlife crossing structures connect Ursid populations in Banff National Park. Conservation Biology 27:721-730.
Ascensao, F, AP Clevenger, M Santos-Reis, P Urbano, N Jackson. 2013. Wildlife-vehicle collision mitigation: Is partial fencing the answer? An agent-based model approach. Ecological Modelling 257:36-43.
Ascensao, F., AP Clevenger, C Grilo, J Filipe, M Santos-Reis. 2012. Highway verges as habitat providers for small mammals in agrosilvopastoral environments. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:3681-3697.
Clevenger, AP. 2012. Mitigating continental scale bottlenecks: How small-scale highway mitigation has large-scale impacts. Ecological Restoration 30:300-307.
Sawaya, M, J Stetz, AP Clevenger, M Gibeau, S Kalinowski. 2012. Estimating grizzly and black bear population abundance and trend in Banff National Park using noninvasive genetic sampling. PLoS ONE 7(5): e34777. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034777
Clevenger, AP. 2012. Leçons tirées de l’étude des passages fauniques enjambant une autoroute dans le parc national de Banff. Le Naturaliste canadien 136:35-41.
Ford, AT, AP Clevenger, MP Huisjer, A Dibb. 2011. Planning and prioritization strategies for phased highway mitigation using wildlife-vehicle collision data. Wildlife Biology 17:253-265.
Kociolek, A., A.P. Clevenger, C.C. St Clair, D. Proppe. 2011. Effects of the road transportation network on bird populations. Conservation Biology 25:241-249.
Clevenger, A.P. & M.P. Huijser. 2011. Wildlife Crossing Structure Handbook, Design and Evaluation in North America, Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-11-003. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C., USA.
Van der Ree, R, J Jaeger, AP Clevenger, E Van der Grift (eds.). 2010. Effects of roads and traffic on wildlife populations and landscape function. Special issue, Ecology and Society (online).
Ford, AT, AP Clevenger. 2010. Validity of the prey trap hypothesis for carnivore-ungulate interactions at wildlife crossing structures. Conservation Biology 24:1679-1685.
Beckmann, J, AP Clevenger, M Huijser, J Hilty (eds.). 2010. Safe passages: Highways, wildlife and habitat connectivity. Island Press, Washington DC
Clevenger, AP, AT Ford. 2010. Terrestrial mitigation: Wildlife crossing structures, fencing and other highway design considerations. Pages 17-50, in Safe passages: Highways, wildlife and habitat connectivity. J Beckmann, AP Clevenger, M Huijser, J Hilty (eds.). Island Press, Washington DC
Ford, AT, AP Clevenger, K Rettie. 2010. Banff Wildlife Crossings, Trans-Canada Highway, Alberta – An international public-private partnership. Pages 157-172 in Safe passages: Highways, wildlife and habitat connectivity. J Beckmann, AP Clevenger, M Huijser, J Hilty (eds.). Island Press, Washington DC
Ford, A.T., K. Rettie, A.P. Clevenger. 2009. Fostering ecosystem function through an international public-private partnership: a case study of wildlife mitigation measures along the Trans Canada Highway in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management 5:181-189
Clevenger, AP, M Sawaya. 2009. A non-invasive genetic sampling method for measuring population-level benefits of wildlife crossings for bears in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Ecology and Society 15(1): 7. [online] URL:
Huijser, M.P, J. W. Duffield, A.P. Clevenger, R.J. Ament, P.T. McGowen. 2009. Cost-benefit analyses of mitigation measures aimed at reducing collisions with large ungulates in North America; a decision support tool. Ecology and Society 14(2): 14. [online] URL:
Ford, A.T., A.P. Clevenger, A. Bennett. 2009. Comparison of non-invasive methods for monitoring wildlife crossing structures on highways. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1213-1222.
Rettie, K, AP Clevenger, AT Ford. 2009. Innovative approaches for managing conservation and use challenges in the national parks: An example from Canada. Pages 396-415. In: T. Jamal and M. Robinson (eds.). In: Handbook of Tourism Studies. Sage Publications Inc.
Gunson, K, A. Clevenger, A. Ford, J. Bissonette, A. Hardy. 2009. A comparison of data sets varying in spatial accuracy used to predict the occurrence of wildlife-vehicle collisions. Environmental Management 44:268-277.
Ament, R, AP Clevenger, O Yu, A Hardy. 2008. An assessment of road impacts on wildlife populations in U.S. National Parks. Environmental Management 42, 480-496.
Clevenger, A.P, J. Wierzchowski. 2006. Maintaining and restoring connectivity in landscapes fragmented by roads. Pages 502-535. In Connectivity Conservation (Eds. K. Crooks, M. Sanjayan). Cambridge University Press.
Huijser, M.P., A.P. Clevenger. 2006. Habitat and corridor function of rights-of-ways. Pages 233-254. In : The ecology of transportation: managing mobility for the environment. J. Davenport & J.L. Davenport (eds). Springer, London, UK.
NRC (National Research Council). 2005. Assessing and Managing the Ecological Impacts of Paved Roads. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC. (authors: Gunderson, L, Clevenger, A, Cooper, A, Dale, V, Evans, L, Evink, G, Fahrig, L, Haynes, K, Kober, W, Lester, S, Redford, K, Strand, M, Wagner, P, Yowell, J.)
Hansen, M., A.P. Clevenger. 2005. The influence of disturbance and habitat on the frequency of non-native plant species along transportation corridors. Biological Conservation 125 :249-259..
Clevenger, A.P. 2005. Conservation value of wildlife crossings : measures of performance and research directions. GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 14 :124-129. (
Clevenger, A.P., N. Waltho. 2005. Performance indices to identify attributes of highway crossing structures facilitating movement of large mammals. Biological Conservation 121:453-464..
Chruszcz, B., Clevenger, A.P., Gunson, K., Gibeau, M.L. 2003. Relationships among grizzly bears, highways and habitat in the Banff-Bow Valley, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1378-1391.
Clevenger, A.P., B. Chruszcz, K. Gunson 2003. Spatial patterns and factors influencing small vertebrate fauna road-kill aggregations. Biological Conservation 109:15-26.
Forman, R.T.T., Sperling, D., Bissonette, J., Clevenger, A., Cutshall, C., Dale, V., Fahrig, L., France, R., Goldman, C., Heanue, K., Jones, J., Swanson, F., Turrentine, T., Winter, T. 2003. Road ecology: Science and solutions. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Little, S.J., Harcourt, R.G., Clevenger, A.P. 2002. Do wildlife passages act as prey-traps? Biological Conservation 107:135-145.
Clevenger, A.P., Wierzchowski, J., Chruszcz, B., & Gunson, K. 2002. GIS-generated expert based models for identifying wildlife habitat linkages and mitigation passage planning. Conservation Biology 16:503-514.
Gibeau, M.L, Clevenger, A.P., Herrero, S & Wierzchowski, J. 2002. Grizzly bear response to human development and activities in the Bow River watershed, Alberta. Biological Conservation 103:227-236.
Clevenger, A.P., Chruszcz, & Gunson, K. 2001. Drainage culverts as habitat linkages and factors affecting passage by mammals. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:1340-1349.
Clevenger, A.P., McIvor, M., McIvor, D., Chruszcz, B., Gunson, K. 2001. Tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, movements and mortality on the Trans-Canada highway in southwestern, Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115:199-204.
Clevenger, A.P., Chruszcz, B., Gunson, K. 2001. Highway mitigation fencing reduces wildlife-vehicle collisions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:646-653.
Gloyne, C.C., Clevenger, A.P. 2001. Cougar use of wildlife crossing structures on the Trans-Canada highway in Banff National Park, Alberta. Wildlife Biology 7:117-124.
Clevenger, A.P., Waltho, N. 2000. Factors influencing the effectiveness of wildlife underpasses in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Conservation Biology 14:47-56.
Ament, R, AP Clevenger, R van der Ree. 2023. Addressing ecological connectivity in the development of roads, railways and canals. IUCN Protected Areas Technical Report Series 5.
Clevenger, A.P., Grilo, C., Keller, G., Sharma, B., and de la Cueva, P. 2022. Smart Infrastructure
Planning and Design to Protect Natural Habitats and Biodiversity: Ecological Assessment of the
Mahendra Highway (Narayanght-Pathlaiya) Road Upgrading, Nepal. Report to Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 184 pp. + Annexes
Diamond, TD, A Sandoval, NP Sharma, ME Vernon, PD Cowan, AP Clevenger, and SC Lockwood. 2022. Enhancing ecological connectivity and safe passage for wildlife on highways between the southern Santa Cruz Mountains, Gabilan Range, and Diablo Range in California. Pathways for Wildlife and Peninsula Open Space Trust, Palo Alto, CA.
Clevenger, AP, M Sawaya, E Landguth, B Dorsey, R Klafki. 2019. Mitigation assessment for the Trans-Canada Highway (Revelstoke to Golden): Improving motorist safety and meeting wildlife movement needs across the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia An Assessment of Potential for Mitigating Impacts on Wildlife. Final report to BC Min of Transp and Infrastructure.
Lee, T, AT Ford, K Sanderson, D Duke, AP Clevenger. 2019. Mount Norquay Gondola Development Proposal: Wildlife Assessment
Clevenger, AP, T Lee, K Sanderson, C Cavaliere, D Duke. 2019. Highway 68 Comprehensive Wildlife Road Crossing Patterns Study: Final Reporting Highway 68 Comprehensive Wildlife Road Crossing Patterns Study: Final Reporting
Clevenger, A.P., M. Sawaya, E. Landguth. 2016. Trans-Canada Highway, Yoho National Park: Mitigation and opportunities assessment. Final report to Highway Engineering Services, Parks Canada, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 185 pp.
Clevenger, A.P., M. Barrueto. 2016. Highway 16 Jasper National Park: Mitigation and opportunities assessment. Final report to Highway Engineering Services, Parks Canada, Banff, Alberta, Canada. 134 pp.
Clevenger, A.P., M.A. Sawaya, E.L. Landguth, and B.P. Dorsey. 2014. Mitigating multi-species mortality and fragmentation on the Trans-Canada Highway through Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia. Final report to Parks Canada Agency, Revelstoke, British Columbia.
Clevenger, A.P., M. Barrueto. 2014. Trans-Canada Highway wildlife monitoring and research. Final report 2014, Part B Research. Final report to Parks Canada Agency, Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. 225 pp.
Clevenger, A.P. & M.P. Huijser. 2011. Wildlife Crossing Structure Handbook, Design and Evaluation in North America, Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-11-003. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C., USA.
Clevenger, A.P., A.T. Ford, and M.A. Sawaya. 2009. Banff wildlife crossings project : Integrating science and education in restoring population connectivity across transportation corridors. Final report to Parks Canada Agency, Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. 165 pp.
Clevenger, A.P., Chruszcz, B., Gunson, K., & Wierzchowski, J. 2002. Roads and wildlife in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks - Movements, mortality and mitigation. Final Report (October 2002). Report prepared for Parks Canada, Banff, Alta.